
Update scheduled Quartz.Net job by monitoring App.Config



So I was back in .NET land the other day at work, where I had to schedule some code to run periodically on some schedule.

The business also needed this schedule to be adjustable, so that they could adjust it when things were busier and wind it down when they are not

This adjusting of the schedule time would be done via a setting in the App.Config, where the App.Config is monitored for changes. If there is a change then we would look to use the new schedule value from the App.Config to run the job. Ideally the app must not go down to afford this change of job schedule time.

There are some good job / scheduling libraries out there, but for this I just wanted to use something light weight so I went with Quartz.net

Its easy to setup and use, and has a fairly nice API, supports IOC and CRON schedules. In short it fits the bill

In a netshell this post will simple talk about how you can adjust the schedule of a ALREADY scheduled job, there will also be some special caveats that I personally had to deal with in my requirements, which may or may not be an issue for you


Some Weird Issues That I Needed To Cope With

So let me just talk about some of the issues that I had to deal with

The guts of the job code that I run on my schedule is actually writing to Azure Blob Storage and then to Azure SQL DW tables. And as such has several writes to several components one after another.

So this run of the current job run MUST be allowed to complete in FULL (or fail using Exception handling that’s ok to). It would not be acceptable to just stop the Quartz job while there is work in flight.

I guess some folk may be thinking of some sort of transaction here, that must either commit or rollback. Unfortunately that doesn’t work with Azure Blob Storage uploads.

So I had to think of another plan.

So here is what I came up with. I would use threading primitives namely an AutoResetEvent that would control when the Quartz.net job could be changed to use a new schedule.

if a change in the App.Config was seen, then we know that we “should” be using a new schedule time, however the scheduled job MAY have work in flight. So we need to wait for that work to complete (or fail) before we could think about swapping the Quartz.net scheduler time.

So that is what I went for, there are a few other things to be aware of such as I needed threading primitives that worked with Async/Await code. Luckily Stephen Toub from the TPL team has done that for us : asyncautoresetevent

There is also the well known fact that the FileSystemWatcher class fires events twice : http://lmgtfy.com/?q=filesystemwatcher+firing+twice

So as we go through the code you will see how I dealt with those

The Code

Ok so now that we have talked about the problem, lets go through the code.

There are several NuGet packages I am using to make my life easier

So lets start with the entry point, which for me is the simple Program class shown below

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Autofac;
using SachaBarber.QuartzJobUpdate.Services;
using Topshelf;

namespace SachaBarber.QuartzJobUpdate
    static class Program
        private static ILogger _log = null;

        public static void Main()
                var container = ContainerOperations.Container;
                _log = container.Resolve<ILogger>();

                AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += AppDomainUnhandledException;
                TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException += TaskSchedulerUnobservedTaskException;
                Thread.CurrentPrincipal = new WindowsPrincipal(WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent());
                HostFactory.Run(c =>                                 
                    c.Service<SomeWindowsService>(s =>                        
                        s.ConstructUsing(() => container.Resolve<SomeWindowsService>());
                        s.WhenStarted(tc => tc.Start());             
                        s.WhenStopped(tc => tc.Stop());               

                    c.SetDescription("Uploads Calc Payouts/Summary data into Azure blob storage for RiskStore DW ingestion");       
            catch (Exception ex)

        private static void AppDomainUnhandledException(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e)

        private static void TaskSchedulerUnobservedTaskException(object sender, UnobservedTaskExceptionEventArgs e)

        private static void ProcessUnhandledException(Exception ex)
            if (ex is TargetInvocationException)

All this does it host the actual windows service class for me using TopShelf. Where the actual service class looks like this

using System;
using System.Configuration;
using System.IO;
using System.Reactive.Disposables;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using Autofac;
using SachaBarber.QuartzJobUpdate.Async;
using SachaBarber.QuartzJobUpdate.Configuration;
using SachaBarber.QuartzJobUpdate.Jobs;
using SachaBarber.QuartzJobUpdate.Services;
using Quartz;

namespace SachaBarber.QuartzJobUpdate
    public class SomeWindowsService
        private readonly ILogger _log;
        private readonly ISchedulingAssistanceService _schedulingAssistanceService;
        private readonly IRxSchedulerService _rxSchedulerService;
        private readonly IObservableFileSystemWatcher _observableFileSystemWatcher;
        private IScheduler _quartzScheduler;
        private readonly AsyncLock _lock = new AsyncLock();
        private readonly SerialDisposable _configWatcherDisposable = new SerialDisposable();
        private static readonly JobKey _someScheduledJobKey = new JobKey("SomeScheduledJobKey");
        private static readonly TriggerKey _someScheduledJobTriggerKey = new TriggerKey("SomeScheduledJobTriggerKey");

        public SomeWindowsService(
            ILogger log,
            ISchedulingAssistanceService schedulingAssistanceService, 
            IRxSchedulerService rxSchedulerService,
            IObservableFileSystemWatcher observableFileSystemWatcher)
            _log = log;
            _schedulingAssistanceService = schedulingAssistanceService;
            _rxSchedulerService = rxSchedulerService;
            _observableFileSystemWatcher = observableFileSystemWatcher;

        public void Start()
                var ass = typeof (SomeWindowsService).Assembly;
                var configFile = $"{ass.Location}.config"; 
                CreateConfigWatcher(new FileInfo(configFile));

                _log.Log("Starting SomeWindowsService");

                _quartzScheduler = ContainerOperations.Container.Resolve<IScheduler>();
                _quartzScheduler.JobFactory = new AutofacJobFactory(ContainerOperations.Container);

                //create the Job
            catch (JobExecutionException jeex)
            catch (SchedulerConfigException scex)
            catch (SchedulerException sex)


        public void Stop()
            _log.Log("Stopping SomeWindowsService");

        private void CreateConfigWatcher(FileInfo configFileInfo)
            FileSystemWatcher watcher = new FileSystemWatcher();
            watcher.Path = configFileInfo.DirectoryName;
            watcher.NotifyFilter = 
                NotifyFilters.LastAccess | 
                NotifyFilters.LastWrite | 
                NotifyFilters.FileName | 
            watcher.Filter = configFileInfo.Name;
            //FSW is notorious for firing twice see here : 
            //so lets use Rx to Throttle it a bit
            _configWatcherDisposable.Disposable = _observableFileSystemWatcher.Changed.SubscribeOn(
                    async x =>
                        //at this point the config has changed, start a critical section
                        using (var releaser = await _lock.LockAsync())
                            //tell current scheduled job that we need to read new config, and wait for it
                            //to signal us that we may continue
                            _log.Log($"Config file {configFileInfo.Name} has changed, attempting to read new config data");
                            _schedulingAssistanceService.RequiresNewSchedulerSetup = true;
                            //recreate the AzureBlobConfiguration, and recreate the scheduler using new settings
                            var newSchedulingConfiguration = SimpleConfig.Configuration.Load<SchedulingConfiguration>();
                            _log.Log($"SchedulingConfiguration section is now : {newSchedulingConfiguration}");
                    ex =>
                        _log.Log($"Error encountered attempting to read new config data from config file {configFileInfo.Name}");

        private void CreateScheduledJob(IJobDetail existingJobDetail = null)
            var azureBlobConfiguration = ContainerOperations.Container.Resolve<SchedulingConfiguration>();
            IJobDetail job = JobBuilder.Create<SomeQuartzJob>()

            ITrigger trigger = TriggerBuilder.Create()
                .WithSimpleSchedule(x => x

            _quartzScheduler.ScheduleJob(job, trigger);

        private void ReScheduleJob()
            if (_quartzScheduler != null)


There is a fair bit going on here. So lets list some of the work this code does

  • It creates the initial Quartz.Net job and scheduled it using the values from a custom config section which are read into an object
  • It watches the config file for changes (we will go through that in a moment) and will wait on the AsyncAutoResetEvent to be signalled, at which point it will recreate the Quartz.net job

So lets have a look at some of the small helper parts

This is a simple Rx based file system watcher. The reason Rx is good here is that you can Throttle the events (see this post FileSystemWatcher raises 2 events)

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Reactive.Linq;

namespace SachaBarber.QuartzJobUpdate.Services
    public class ObservableFileSystemWatcher : IObservableFileSystemWatcher
        private FileSystemWatcher _watcher;

        public void SetFile(FileSystemWatcher watcher)
            _watcher = watcher;

            Changed = Observable
                .FromEventPattern<FileSystemEventHandler, FileSystemEventArgs>
                (h => _watcher.Changed += h, h => _watcher.Changed -= h)
                .Select(x => x.EventArgs);

            Renamed = Observable
                .FromEventPattern<RenamedEventHandler, RenamedEventArgs>
                (h => _watcher.Renamed += h, h => _watcher.Renamed -= h)
                .Select(x => x.EventArgs);

            Deleted = Observable
                .FromEventPattern<FileSystemEventHandler, FileSystemEventArgs>
                (h => _watcher.Deleted += h, h => _watcher.Deleted -= h)
                .Select(x => x.EventArgs);

            Errors = Observable
                .FromEventPattern<ErrorEventHandler, ErrorEventArgs>
                (h => _watcher.Error += h, h => _watcher.Error -= h)
                .Select(x => x.EventArgs);

            Created = Observable
                .FromEventPattern<FileSystemEventHandler, FileSystemEventArgs>
                (h => _watcher.Created += h, h => _watcher.Created -= h)
                .Select(x => x.EventArgs);

            All = Changed.Merge(Renamed).Merge(Deleted).Merge(Created);
            _watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;

        public void Dispose()
            _watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = false;

        public IObservable<FileSystemEventArgs> Changed { get; private set; }
        public IObservable<RenamedEventArgs> Renamed { get; private set; }
        public IObservable<FileSystemEventArgs> Deleted { get; private set; }
        public IObservable<ErrorEventArgs> Errors { get; private set; }
        public IObservable<FileSystemEventArgs> Created { get; private set; }
        public IObservable<FileSystemEventArgs> All { get; private set; }

And this is a small utility class that will contain the results of the custom config section that may be read using SimpleConfig

namespace SachaBarber.QuartzJobUpdate.Configuration
    public class SchedulingConfiguration
        public int ScheduleTimerInMins { get; set; }

        public override string ToString()
            return $"ScheduleTimerInMins: {ScheduleTimerInMins}";

Which you read from the App.Config like this

 var newSchedulingConfiguration = SimpleConfig.Configuration.Load<SchedulingConfiguration>();

And this is the Async/Await compatible AutoResetEvent that I took from Stephen Toubs blog

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace SachaBarber.QuartzJobUpdate.Async
    public class AsyncAutoResetEvent
        private static readonly Task Completed = Task.FromResult(true);
        private readonly Queue<TaskCompletionSource<bool>> _waits = new Queue<TaskCompletionSource<bool>>();
        private bool _signaled;

        public Task WaitAsync()
            lock (_waits)
                if (_signaled)
                    _signaled = false;
                    return Completed;
                    var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
                    return tcs.Task;

        public void Set()
            TaskCompletionSource<bool> toRelease = null;
            lock (_waits)
                if (_waits.Count > 0)
                    toRelease = _waits.Dequeue();
                else if (!_signaled)
                    _signaled = true;

So the last part of the puzzle is how does the AsynAutoReset event get signalled?

Well as we said above we need to wait for any in progress work to complete first. So the way I tackled that was that within the job code that gets run every Quartz.Net scheduler tick time, we just check whether we have be requested to swap out the current schedule time, and if so we should signal the waiting code of the (shared) AsyncAutoResetEvent, otherwise we just carry on and do the regular job work.

The way that we get the AsyncAutoResetEvent that is used by the waiting code and also the job code (to signal it) is via using a singleton registration in an IOC container. I am using AutoFac which I set up like this, but you could have your own singleton, or IOC container of choice that you could use.

The trick is to make sure that both classes that need to access the AsyncAutoResetEvent use a single instance.

using System;
using System.Reflection;
using Autofac;
using SachaBarber.QuartzJobUpdate.Configuration;
using SachaBarber.QuartzJobUpdate.Services;
using Quartz;
using Quartz.Impl;

namespace SachaBarber.QuartzJobUpdate
    public class ContainerOperations
        private static Lazy<IContainer> _containerSingleton = 
            new Lazy<IContainer>(CreateContainer);

        public static IContainer Container => _containerSingleton.Value;

        public static void ReInitialiseSchedulingConfiguration(
            SchedulingConfiguration newSchedulingConfiguration)
            var currentSchedulingConfiguration = 
            currentSchedulingConfiguration.ScheduleTimerInMins = 

        private static IContainer CreateContainer()
            var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
            builder.RegisterInstance(new SchedulingAssistanceService())

            // Quartz/jobs
            builder.Register(c => new StdSchedulerFactory().GetScheduler())
                .Where(x => typeof(IJob).IsAssignableFrom(x));
            return builder.Build();


Where the shared instance in my case is this class

using SachaBarber.QuartzJobUpdate.Async;

namespace SachaBarber.QuartzJobUpdate.Services
    public class SchedulingAssistanceService : ISchedulingAssistanceService
        public SchedulingAssistanceService()
            SchedulerRestartGate = new AsyncAutoResetEvent();
            RequiresNewSchedulerSetup = false;

        public AsyncAutoResetEvent SchedulerRestartGate { get; }
        public bool RequiresNewSchedulerSetup { get; set; }

Here is the actual job code that will check to see if a change in the App.Config has been detected. Which would require this code to signal the waiting code that it may continue.

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Quartz;

namespace SachaBarber.QuartzJobUpdate.Services
    public class SomeQuartzJob : IJob
        private readonly ILogger _log;
        private readonly ISchedulingAssistanceService _schedulingAssistanceService;

        public SomeQuartzJob(
            ILogger log, 
            ISchedulingAssistanceService schedulingAssistanceService)
            _log = log;
            _schedulingAssistanceService = schedulingAssistanceService;

        public void Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
            catch (JobExecutionException jeex)
            catch (SchedulerConfigException scex)
            catch (SchedulerException sex)
            catch (ArgumentNullException anex)
            catch (OperationCanceledException ocex)
            catch (IOException ioex)

        /// <summary>
        /// This is called every time the Quartz.net scheduler CRON time ticks
        /// </summary>
        public async Task ExecuteAsync(IJobExecutionContext context)
            await Task.Run(async () =>
                if (_schedulingAssistanceService.RequiresNewSchedulerSetup)
                    //signal the waiting scheduler restart code that it can now restart the scheduler
                    _schedulingAssistanceService.RequiresNewSchedulerSetup = false;
                    _log.Log("Job has been asked to stop, to allow job reschedule due to change in config");
                    await Task.Delay(1000);
                    _log.Log("Doing the uninterruptible work now");

So when the AsyncAutoResetEvent is signalled the waiting code (inside the subscribe code of the Rx file system watcher inside the SomeWindowsService.cs code) will proceed to swap out the Quartz.Net scheduler time.

It can do this safely as we know there is NO work in flight as the job has told this waiting to code to proceed, which it can only do if there is no work in flight.

This swapping over of the scheduler time to use the newly read App.Config values is also protected in an AsyncLock class (again taken from Stephen Toub)

using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace SachaBarber.QuartzJobUpdate.Async
    /// <summary>
    /// See http://blogs.msdn.com/b/pfxteam/archive/2012/02/12/10266988.aspx
    /// from the fabulous Stephen Toub
    /// </summary>    
    public class AsyncLock
        private readonly AsyncSemaphore m_semaphore;
        private readonly Task<Releaser> m_releaser;

        public AsyncLock()
            m_semaphore = new AsyncSemaphore(1);
            m_releaser = Task.FromResult(new Releaser(this));

        public Task<Releaser> LockAsync()
            var wait = m_semaphore.WaitAsync();
            return wait.IsCompleted ?
                m_releaser :
                wait.ContinueWith((_, state) => new Releaser((AsyncLock)state),
                    this, CancellationToken.None,
                    TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously, TaskScheduler.Default);

        public struct Releaser : IDisposable
            private readonly AsyncLock m_toRelease;

            internal Releaser(AsyncLock toRelease) { m_toRelease = toRelease; }

            public void Dispose()
                if (m_toRelease != null)

Where this relies on AsyncSemaphore

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace SachaBarber.QuartzJobUpdate.Async
    /// <summary>
    /// See http://blogs.msdn.com/b/pfxteam/archive/2012/02/12/10266983.aspx
    /// from the fabulous Stephen Toub
    /// </summary>
    public class AsyncSemaphore
        private static readonly Task s_completed = Task.FromResult(true);
        private readonly Queue<TaskCompletionSource<bool>> _mWaiters = new Queue<TaskCompletionSource<bool>>();
        private int _mCurrentCount;

        public AsyncSemaphore(int initialCount)
            if (initialCount < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("initialCount");
            _mCurrentCount = initialCount;

        public Task WaitAsync()
            lock (_mWaiters)
                if (_mCurrentCount > 0)
                    return s_completed;
                    var waiter = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
                    return waiter.Task;

        public void Release()
            TaskCompletionSource<bool> toRelease = null;
            lock (_mWaiters)
                if (_mWaiters.Count > 0)
                    toRelease = _mWaiters.Dequeue();
            if (toRelease != null)


Just for completeness this is how you get an App.Config section to refresh at runtime


Anyway this works fine for me, I now have a reactive app that changes to changes in the App.Config without the need to restart the app, and it does so by allowing inflight work to be completed.

Hope it helps someone out there


Where Is The Code?

The code can be found here : : https://github.com/sachabarber/SachaBarber.QuartzJobUpdate


scala environment config options

This is going to be a slightly weird post in a way as it is going to go round the houses a bit, and not going to contain any actual code, but shall talk about possible techniques of how to best manage specific environment config values for a multi project scala setup

Coming from .NET

So as many of you know I came from .NET, where we have a simple config model. We have App.Config or Web.Config.

We have tools at our disposal such as the XmlTransformation MsBuild tasks which allow us to maintain a set of different App.Config values in them that will be transformed for your different environments

I wrote a post about this here


Here is a small example of what this might look like



So when I started doing multi project Scala projects using SBT where I might have the following project requirements


In the above diagram the following is assumed

  • There is a Sacha.Common library that we want to use across multiple projects
  • That both Sacaha.Rest.Endpoints and Sacha.Play.FrontEnd are both apps which will need some environment specific configuration in them
  • That there is going to be more than 1 environment that we wish to use such as
    • PROD
    • QA
    • DEV

Now coming from .NET my initial instinct was to put a a bunch of folders in the 2 apps, so taking the Sacha.Rest.Endpoints app as an example we may have something like this


So the idea would be that we would have specific application.conf files for the different environments that we need to target (I am assuming there is some build process which takes care of putting the correct file in place for the correct build within the CI server).

This is very easy to understand, if we want QA we would end up using the QA version of the application.conf file

This is a very common way of thinking about this problem in .NET.

Why Is This Bad?

But hang on here this is only 1 app, what if we had 100 apps that made up our software in total. That means we need to maintain all these separate config files for all the environments in ALL the separate apps.

Wow that doesn’t sound so cool anymore.

Another Approach!

A colleague and I were talking about this in some scala code that was being written for a new project, and this is kind of what was being discussed.

I should point out that this idea was not in fact mine, but my colleagues Andy Sprague, which is not something I credited him for in the 1st draft of this post. Which is bad, sorry Andy.

Anyway how about this for another idea. How about the Sacha.Common JAR hold just the specific bits of changing config in separate config files such as

  • “Qa.conf”
  • “Prod.conf”
  • “Dev.conf”

And then the individual apps that already reference the Sacha.Common JAR just include the environment config they need.

This is entirely possible thanks to the way that the Typesafe config library works, where it is designed to include extra config files. These extra config files in this case are just inside of the a JAR that is external -> Sacha.Common

Here is what this might like look for a consumer of the Sacha.Common jar


Where we just include the relevant environment config from Sacha.Common in the application.conf for the current app

And this is what the Sacha.Common may look like, where it provides the separate environment config files that consumers may use


This diagram may help to illustrate this further


Why Is This Cool?

The good thing about this design over the separate config files per environment per application is that we now ONLY need to maintain one set of environment specific settings, which are those in the common Jar Sacha.Common

I wish we could do this within the .NET configuration system.

Hope this helps, I personally think that this is a fairly nice way to manage your configs for multiple applications and multiple environments








No longer an mvp

So January is here, and I have been informed I am no longer an MVP.

I held the MVP award for 9 years, so I am happy with that, would have been nice to make it a 10th, but hey ho

To be honest I am not too surprised by this announcement, as I have become more and more interested in a wider range of things, such as

  • Scala
  • Akka
  • Play
  • Cassandra
  • Kafka

I also spent most of the last year blogging about these subjects.

I was told that MVPs these days are contributing about 120 blobs per year in the UK so that is what one is up against.

I have 2 kids so that’s not going to happen for me, like ever, anyone with 2 or more kids will know what I mean here

Like I say I am not surprised, it has been great to be recognized as an MVP, even though I never did go to a single MVP summit (should have doh)

And I would like to thank Microsoft for the opportunity to preach the good word.

I would also like to personally thank Chris Maunder of codeproject.com who was the chap that originally nominated me, thanks so much Chris. Chris you rock.

As for what’s next for me, I am going to continue to blog, and I hope to get back into writing articles for codeproject.com again after a break from that.

You can expect me to keep on writing about stuff that I enjoy.

So for now over and out, thanks for all the support over the years guys/girls.